I spoke to my 15 year old niece Christie on Sunday and I was describing the house that I live in with two other volunteers, out here in Sri Lanka. She replied that she too wanted to live in a "*fun house". It certainly is the most bizarre house I've inhabited in my 36 years on the planet - okay 36 - ish.
We have giant goldfish that would put my good friend Craig MacKay's freakishly big fish to shame. We have two ponds - inside the house. A waterfall. Trees. And an owl. Luckily it's a stone owl, not a pet owl because that would just be OTT - unlike the rest of it. I am going to take a video recording and take you all on a trip round our bizarre house but for now you'll have to make do with photos.
We're also very fortunate by Sri Lankan standards because we have an oven and hob (many homes have only the hob), a fridge freezer (silver one too!) and a washing machine. It's a very old fashioned one and it stains white things yellow but apart from that, it works. It is not unusual for women (never men of course) to wash the family's clothing in the back garden using a cold tap.
You come in the main yard and up about 8 stairs to the front door. Through the door you immediately enter a large red tiled floor space which has a kid-on beach hut to the left and facing you taking up the whole of the back wall, is the first set of trees and the pond with the sci fi fish. (I'll post photos of fish asap.) The biggest one is called Sneaker (I think) and he plays football. I know, it's weird and no I'm not imagining it - there's a ball in the pond and he is a dab hand with the headers!
He's not the only non human around here. I was warned not to worry about noises on the roof - it's the local wildlife playing at night!! I put the fan on so I never need imagine what's out there.
Anyway as you come in the main entrance you turn to your right and there is a set of wooden stairs which leads to main living area - you can see it in the photo although it's a bit dark so I'll try to get a lighter one later. If you imagine you have your back to the pond and trees in the photo, the room extends to include a kitchen / diner separated by a breakfast bar. We tend to sit round the glass dining table at night although I hear we're expecting a futon style sofa any day now. Not that I'll be able to sit on it being so aged these days.
The upstairs tour will be conducted another day. For now I must do some work.
*Christie's definition of a "fun house" - 'you know, one with moving staircases and funny mirrors that make you look really weird'! That's all mirrors isn't it or is that just me? In any case I've agreed that when I move back to Glasgow I will investigate the possibility of buying a fun mirror for my fun house!
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