Just a quick story that I've been meaning to tell for a week or so. People in Sri Lanka are very friendly and love to chat. I am now very well used to just about everyone I pass smiling, nodding or saying hello and of course, I am always happy to chat. But last week I met a man who put the biggest smile on my face since arriving in Sri Lanka. He looked like a smaller and Sri Lankan version of Mickey Rooney and when he saw me, he stopped in his tracks, put his hands on his hips and proclaimed, in A PERFECT COCKNEY ACCENT:
"Well 'ello me lovely lady, 'ow you doin' then?"
And then, in case I hadn't heard the first time I presume, he repeated with much volume and greatly exaggerated intonations:
"Well, 'ello me lovely lady, 'ow you doin' then?"
I kid you not and for once, I'm not even exaggerating. I told him I was fine, thank you and asked how he was but he simply smiled, tipped the edge of his hat and walked off. So clearly, someone has taught him this one line and it's all the English he can speak but I think he must be in my top ten of favourite Sri Lankans I have met so far - and there is a lot of competition for that spot, let me tell you!
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