Sunday 2 March 2008

A rude awakening

Saturday morning, 1st March, St David’s Day and I awoke to machine guns, canons and explosions. The initial gunshots I thought were in the next street but apparently when I hear that (and I do frequently) it’s people firing firecrackers to scare off the monkeys who descend on a garden and bring chaos to bear.

Anyway no it wasn’t firecrackers, it was obviously explosions and it went on for an hour. Julia was away for the day and she's much more level headed than myself and Donna put together so we of course hid undercover reckoning we were under siege. It has happened here before apparently. Anyway eventually we phoned our country manager who investigated and discovered it was simply the navy base carrying out maneouvres! You'd think they might've asked first lol.

I would of course have said no, have it another time as we had a party at our house on Friday night - yes, it's true, I will not let the fact that I am away from all my friends family and fellow party animals stop me. The party was great, it's the best party house I've ever lived in and I can't wait to share the "Hello" magazine style pics with you all!

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